Treści z minionego tygodnia (11.09)
O ideale ZERA, koniec ery subskrypcji, projekt odmłodzenia swojego ciała, 9 UŻYTECZNYCH narzędzi AI, argumenty za wojną USA - Chiny, 10 powieści filozoficznych, jak działa komputer od krzemu do appek
Jeśli chcesz zapoznać się z tylko jedną rzeczą:
Świetny jest to tekst o potrzebie zmiany reguł gry, we wszystkim, w czym poszukujemy innowacji.
We need more such insights. In a world where we are continuously expanding our spheres of understanding, each Zeroth-principle insight can potentially unlock a set of more expansive spheres. This is bigger than just an exponential effect, of the kind popularized by Ray Kurzweil, the “up to the right” / hockey stick / knee-of-the-curve style stuff. Zeros are game changers. The graph is not just exponential — the units change. The graph reorganizes its axes. Dimensions are added to accommodate ideas “from another dimension.” That’s what Zeros get you.
Jak zwykle doskonały artykuł Ethana Mollicka powyżej. Dwa fragmenty na zachętę:
Employees at companies don’t need another tool to search their corporate intranets for data, they need a way of skipping the most boring parts of their job while make their remaining work more productive and engaging. Students don’t need an improved version of Grammarly, they need tutors and advisors that will boost their learning. To do this, we need to experiment with weirder uses of AI tools, and we need to do that while paying close attention to the ethical concerns and technical limitations of AI. Careful experimentation is the key to success. (View Highlight)
These early days of AI are already absurd. Humans, walking and talking bags of water and trace chemicals that we are, have managed to convince well-organized sand to pretend to think like us. We don’t know what will happen next, and what dangers and opportunities the next generations of AI will bring. But we do need to realize that trying to convince ourselves that AI is normal software will not protect us from disruption. Instead, it may make it harder for us to see what is coming. (View Highlight)
Powyżej bardzo ciekawe spojrzenie na zjawisko wszechogarniających płatnych subskrypcji tekstów. Myślę, że poniższy, celny fragment będzie stanowił wystarczającą zachętę do całego tekstu:
It is an idyllic, almost utopian, perspective. There is an imagined logic at play, entirely divorced from reality. In the world where Substack were an expeditious route to “more people” being able to “make a good and profitable career out of writing”, we would also live in a world where you bought your lamp chops from a butcher, your baguette from a bakery, your stilton from a cheesemonger and your wine from a vintner, rather than just everything from a supermarket. The fact that there was a period, in the 90s and 00s, when consumers seemed to repudiate newspapers — the supermarkets of journalism — did not mean that the idea was wrong, but that the sale mechanic was at fault. Just as supermarkets have iterated, in the same period, to introduce self-service and home delivery, so too should the more endangered business of journalism. To think that long term stability is in returning to individual shopkeepers, and raising prices for consumers, is regression masking as progress.
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