Treści z minionego tygodnia (2.10)
Metaverse żyje i będzie wielki, co to jest iPhone technologii AI, badanie użycia LLMów w Boston Consulting Group, najstarszy torrent w internecie, centaury i cyborgi naszych czasów
Wracam po urlopowym wypadzie do Stambułu i Turcji. Nieco więcej napiszę o tym w subiektywnym rankingu zabytków. Dziś tymczasem klasycznie, sporo treści z mijających tygodni. Zapraszam.
Jeśli chcesz zapoznać się z tylko jedną rzeczą:
Mark Zuckerberg: First Interview in the Metaverse | Lex Fridman Podcast #398
Wybór eksponowanego materiału nie mógł być w tym tygodniu inny. Trzeba to po prostu zobaczyć. To, czyli rozmowę, którą Lex Fridman przeprowadził z Markiem Zuckerbergiem w Metaverse. Tym Metaverse, które miało nigdy się nie udać i pociągnąć na dno Metę. Tymczasem niezdarne, rysunkowe postaci zostały zastąpione przez wysokiej rozdzielczości, autentyczne awatary z doskonale dopracowaną mimiką. Absolutne wow. Włączcie chociaż na chwilę.
Dwa ciekawe fragmenty na zachętę:
We also found something else interesting, an effect that is increasingly apparent in other studies of AI: it works as a skill leveler. The consultants who scored the worst when we assessed them at the start of the experiment had the biggest jump in their performance, 43%, when they got to use AI. The top consultants still got a boost, but less of one. Looking at these results, I do not think enough people are considering what it means when a technology raises all workers to the top tiers of performance. It may be like how it used to matter whether miners were good or bad at digging through rock… until the steam shovel was invented and now differences in digging ability do not matter anymore. AI is not quite at that level of change, but skill levelling is going to have a big impact.
Even aside from any anxiety that statement might cause, it is also worth noting the other downsides of AI. People really can go on autopilot when using AI, falling asleep at the wheel and failing to notice AI mistakes. And, like other research, we also found that AI outputs, while of higher quality than that of humans, were also a bit homogenous and same-y in aggregate. Which is why Cyborgs and Centaurs are important - they allow humans to work with AI to produce more varied, more correct, and better results than either humans or AI can do alone. And becoming one is not hard. Just use AI enough for work tasks and you will start to see the shape of the jagged frontier, and start to understand where AI is scarily good... and where it falls short.
The new paper that I, along with Fabrizio Dell’Acqua, Edward McFowland III, Hila Lifshitz-Assaf, Katherine Kellogg, Saran Rajendran, Lisa Krayer, François Candelon, and Karim Lakhani, just released shows this works even for the highly trained knowledge workers at Boston Consulting Group. Across a set of 18 tasks designed to test a range of business skills - from analysis to idea generation to persuasion - consultants who had previously tested in the lower half of the group increased the quality of their outputs by 43% with AI help while the top half only gained 17%. Where previously the gap between the average performances of top and bottom performers was 22%, it shrunk to a mere 4% once the consultants used GPT-4.
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