Treści z mijającego tygodnia (3.12)
Fizyczny i filozoficzny problem z czasem, czemu nie pamiętamy wczesnego dzieciństwa, Niemcy w pułapce, skąd przemiana Elona Muska, asystenci AI zmienią WSZYSTKO
Jeśli chcesz zapoznać się z tylko jedną rzeczą:
2023 był dla mnie rokiem Substacka. Aktywnie i pasywnie.
W tym drugim wymiarze, udało mi się zgromadzić subskrypcje kilku świetnych blogów. Jednym z nich jest Garbage Day, który w największym skrócie zapewnia wnikliwe analizy trendów kulturowych, które zwykle docierają do Polski z dużym opóźnieniem, w ogóle, lub są po prostu niełatwe do odcyfrowania bez znajomości amerykańskiej sceny artystycznej, biznesowej i social mediowej.
Poniżej dwa fragmenty zajawiające ostatnie wydanie Garbage Day, dosyć celnie oddające jego specyfikę. Zachęcam do zerknięcia:
I, personally, buy the argument that Bloomberg put together in a good piece this week, that it was the pandemic that really radicalized him. Which lines up with details in Walter Isaacon’s recent Musk biography, like Musk’s belief that his trans daughter was infected by the “woke mind virus,” which was purportedly being spread by Twitter, which was why he bought the site in 2022.
But I also don’t think there’s much explanation needed for why Musk is currently posting racist memes, colluding with an international network of fascists, and pushing far-right conspiracy theories. He has always pandered to what he thinks is cool and — more importantly — what he thinks will distract people from the fact he’s just a rich guy LARPing as a dumb guy’s idea of a smart guy. In the Obama era, he was doing Iron Man and Big Bang Theorycameos, wowing idiots with nonsense about simulation theory, paling around with fawning tech journalists, and loudly extolling the virtues of green energy.
And now, after he’s seen the power people like Trump were able to amass doing the opposite, he’s switched it up for the vibe shift. It’s not complicated. It’s just marketing.
Last spring, one of the platform’s artist radio stations introduced me to a musician that I started listening to all the time. Enough that he ended up in my Wrapped this year. Emperor X, he’s like if The Mountain Goats were based in Berlin.
And then, a few weeks after discovering him, I went to go see him play live. It was great, but it was also a funny experience for me, a millennial, who, for most of my life, had a music taste that was shaped socially, rather than digitally. I discovered music through friends, through tour lineups, through my local scene growing up, through subgenres of interconnected bands and the blogs that covered them, etc.
And the shift over the last few years, away from discovering music like that towards, primarily, having it recommended to me by algorithms, is why my music taste has become a lot weirder and, I suspect, why I don’t go to concerts as much as I used to. They are still, for me, in the back of my brain, something I would go to with friends if we all liked the same band. And we don’t all like the same bands anymore.
My music taste is now a personal set of recommendations that Spotify is delivering me. I still share music I like with my friends, of course, but it’s now secondary in the stack. Which may explain both the majority of Spotify’s biggest artists are pre-algorithm acts. They are simply the last crop of musicians to get famous before culture fractured.
Dwa fragmenty ciekawego felietonu z Dziennika Gazety Prawnej na zachętę:
ARD-DeutschlandTrend, aż 76 proc. Niemców nie jest zadowolonych z pracy rządu. Jedynie 22 proc. stwierdziło coś przeciwnego, a cały jeden procent respondowanych oznajmił ankieterom, iż jest bardzo zadowolony z osiągnieć rządzącej koalicji. Wzbudzając zdziwienie, iż takie osoby jeszcze istnieją (być może ankieterzy przypadkiem trafili na członków rządu).
RFN jest dziś na odwyku, lecz myślami wciąż wraca do ulubionego sklepu z alkoholem.
Even without agents, AI is impacting organizations, and managers need to start taking an active role in shaping what that looks like. Like everything else associated with AI, there is no central authority that can tell you the best ways to use AI - every organization will need to figure it out for themselves.
Reshaping the tree: rebuilding organizations for AI - Ethan Mollick
‘Make it more’: generative AI memes explode onto the internet (Venture Beat)
Ridley Scott warns AI will be ‘technical hydrogen bomb’ in film industry (Fox News)